pink ficto flag made by me !!
click the flag to continue

what is fictosexual ?

simply put , fictosexual is a sexuality under the asexual umbrella for anyone who feels sexual or romantic ( fictoromantic ) attraction towards fictional characters , exclusively or not .
some people are attracted to a specific genres of characters !!
the ( unofficial , i just made it up for fun ) symbol for ficto is the crescent moon symbol ☾
not to be confused with the double moon for bisexuals !!

fictosexual flags & sublabels

original fictosexual flag

pink fictosexual flag ( can also be used by semifictos )

original semificto flag ( an attraction to both real people and fictional characters )

fictofluid ( a fictosexuality that is fluid between different fictosexualities and / or other sexualities )

semificto exclusive flag based off the pink ficto flag

queerfictoplatonic ( for people who experience queerplatonic attraction to fictional characters )

cartosexual ( a fictosexuality in which one is exclusive or near-exclusively attracted to cartoon or comic characters )

ocsexual ( a term under the fictosexual umbrella in which one has exclusive or near-exclusive sexual attraction to original characters )

multifictino ( a term for anyone who has more than one fictosexual identity or fictoromantic identity )

these are just a few of the many possibilities for fictosexual sublabels !!